Review: Soul Star


Soulmates (Book #5)

She Loves Words Publishing


Brenda Larnell (A)

REVIEW: Aja takes her readers to another level with SOUL STAR. The Soulmates began with SHE’S GOT SOUL (Zola’s story), and it extended to three books that narrates the story of strong, enigmatic, and independent women. In SOUL STAR Aja steps up her writing game and gives her readers an historical narrative that traces the roots of Zola, Zena, Zoe, and Zora.

I love African American historical fiction.
SOUL STAR brilliantly traces this matriarchal family back to the beginning including the men who were present in their lives. An African village begins our journey back, and we discover that a young woman, Zainabu. suffered the indignity of being captured and forced to journey across the ocean and ends up on a plantation in Alabama. Zainabu took her gifts, and traditions with her. Not only that, but she started the long line of women descendants whose names begin with the letter Z. We follow these women from slavery to freedom to migration North. Zainabu, Zahara, Zadie, and Zahra are stars that helped to “light the way for the next generation.”

Aja provides authentic details of the eras included in this story, moral and ethical dilemmas, and a storyline that reflects the challenges, struggles, and changes people faced in the past. I love the way she revealed the men who helped to create these unforgettable women. The “Z” women (Zora’s ancestors) and their connection to the stars help to explain those mystical powers that Zora has. It all comes together in the Epilogue that ensures that the family legacy will continue right down to the teacup and the antique clock. You’ll get that when you read the story.

I highly recommend
SOUL STAR for your reading pleasure. It explains so much about those Z named women that have their own stories in SHE’S GOT SOUL, DEEP IN MY SOUL, SOUL LOVE, and SOUL TIES. Not familiar? You are missing out on some great reads. The Soulmates Series is a winner!

20th December 2024 |
