Review: Falling For The Competition


The Friendship Chronicles (Book #5)

Harlequin Special Edition


Shirley Fleming (CS)

REVIEW: Keisha Edwards and Julian Langley meet when they bump into each other on the way to a business class. They discover that they are enrolled in the same MBA program. These two butt heads at every turn. At first they are like oil and water, always in competition. They can’t agree on anything. Underneath all the disagreements is a sizzling attraction waiting to get out. But Keisha has experienced failed relationships in the past and is leery of putting herself back into the dating pool. She has sessions with her best friends to help her navigate through everything she’s dealing with. Getting to know Julian changes her perspective of him. Slowly they start to have long meaningful conversations and learned they have some things in common. One night passion overtakes them and the inevitable happens. Keisha and Julian started out as rivals but end of finding a love they never expected.

Keisha is in her thirties and has a lucrative job at a PR firm. But she decides to leave her job and fulfill a dream of hers to become an entrepreneur and enrolls in school full time to get her MBA. Julian is a Rhodes Scholar going through changes of his own. He’s tired of carrying the burden of having to be the best at everything because of the way others see him.

FALLING FOR THE COMPETITION is another good read by this author. The plot is good, the characters are relatable, and the pacing is enough to keep the story moving. Keisha is on a journey to discover who and what she can be. Sometimes she hard on herself and she overthinks things. But sessions with her friends help keep her on track. I think that Keshia and Julian enjoy playing one upmanship with each other. It gave them an excuse to talk to each other. I like the author including some cultural details in the story like referencing Houston and Morehouse. And the R&B music was an added bonus making the story more credible. Let’s not forget the Louisiana cuisine. Great story, Ms. Baham.

I loved reading
FALLING FOR THE COMPETITION. Watching two headstrong individuals like Keisha and Julien relationship go from rivals to lovers was entertaining and captivating to say the least.

25th December 2024 |
