Review:A Respite for Christmas


Confederate Widows, Spinsters & Proxy Brides

Independantly Published


Brenda Larnell (A)


REVIEW: A RESPITE FOR CHRISTMAS is a story that is part of a 20-book series that is about Confederate Widows, Spinsters and Proxy Brides. USA Today bestselling author, Park J. Cole, weaves an intriguing story that features a proxy bride, Mireille (Mee-Ray) Bergeron, a Creole woman from Louisiana, and Roderick Ward, a rancher from Oregon. Mireille and Roderick’s story is a very thought-provoking tale because it presents the reader with a viewpoint of the Civil War events and powerbrokers that is not very appealing, but historically factual.

The Prologue opens in Louisiana on the plantation where Mireille and her mother, Manman, live. The Civil War has been raging for a couple of years, and the heroine is eight years old. War arrives at the plantation when Union soldiers invade it. Manman is mentally damaged when she becomes the victim of assault. Mireille is then charged with handling her chores and her mother’s. Mireille feels like a clipped-wing bluebird who is subjected to staying in her caged environment when the War ends. That metaphor of the “clipped winged bluebird” will resonate throughout the story. In keeping with the premise of this series, Mireille finds an out. She signs up to be a proxy bride and runs away to Oregon to meet her husband. There are other significant, tragic events that happen prior to her leaving the only home she has ever known, to a place totally unknown. I’ll allow you to discover what urged the necessity for Mireille to flee Louisiana.

Upon her arrival in Oregon, she unites with her husband, a broken man, Roderick Ward, and his sister, Celinda, who arranged the proxy marriage for her brother. Roderick is plagued with survivor’s remorse from his stint as a reporter for the Civil War. Mireille is plagued with nightmares from her tragic past. They are two people who are in need of hope and healing.

Master storyteller, Parker J Cole weaves a wonderful tale of respite and redemption for Mireille and Roderick. The Epilogue brings so much joy for our couple. Tis the season! You’ll get that when you read the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed
A RESPITE FOR CHRISTMAS. It is indeed a story that delivers rest from unpleasant experiences. I recommend it for your reading pleasure.

8th August |
