Review: Carter's Undoing
CARTER'S UNDOING - Sherelle Green
Amazon Digital Services
May 2020
Contemporary Romance
REVIEWER: Cheryl McNeil | RATING: A+
REVIEW: CARTER’S UNDOING picks up where CADEN’S SITUATIONSHIP ended. Carter left home to join the military when Serenity needed him the most. Carter was described as the glue of the Madden triplets. Now, Carter is back for Serenity and she wants answers.

Circumstances cause Carter and Serenity to spend a lot of time alone. Ms. Green uses flashbacks to take us down memory lane in in their own thoughts. Serenity has her guard up and is conflicted about her first and only love abandoning her, then coming back in her life so dramatically. She also realizes that no amount of time will diminish her feelings for him.
Carter was her “Golden Boy” and has now turned into a serious, focused, brooding Man with scars that don’t tell half of his story, but in Serenity’s opinion make him look downright sexy. He has so much to explain and his secrets are gradually revealed. CARTER’S UNDOING focuses on these revelations, Carter and Serenity’s reconnection and the debts Carter has to pay off in order to truly move on.

Carter and Serenity have to rebuild their trust, friendship and break down their walls. It’s inevitable that shared passion builds up and eventually boils over. I like the imagery Ms. Green includes. Carter helps Serenity with her hair and “His fingers were like a love poem”. Another wonderful example
is Serenity reflecting on Carter being the first man to kiss her so “passionately that her soul wept”. Even though they had not seen each other in years, that intimacy and sentiment is still there.

Carter shows Serenity she’s always been in his heart and is her guardian angel. He gives her touching letters he’s written over the years.
Serenity is much more than a name. She is Carter’s peace and sense of calm.

The theme of CARTER’S UNDOING is second chance love and is Ms. Green’s labor of love to this couple. It has a more serious tone than previous books in the series. The focus is Carter and Serenity, but there is a family reunion of sorts that allows us to reconnect with the Madden clan. Ms. Green also introduces new characters that I look forward to reading about. This is only the second book I’ve read of the series and Ms. Green saves the best for last. I highly recommend CARTER’S UNDOING for your reading pleasure

23rd May 2020 |