Review: Not So Perfect Strangers
Union Square & Co.
Brenda Larnell (A)
REVIEW:  Disclaimer: NOT SO PERFECT STRANGERS is not a romance story. Believe me, fans, this story is not for the hopeless romantics out there in Romancelandia. The only hint of romance occurs between the protagonist, Tasha Jenkins and her lover, Morris Hammond. NOT SO PERFECT STRANGERS is a domestic noir that encompasses domestic violence, mental illness, a hint of religion, and women’s rights. I know that’s a lot for one story, but all of those elements are present in this provocative story. The storyline shifts between “Now” and “Before”. The chapters are named after the Protagonist, Tasha, and the Antagonist, Madison.

First, the protagonist, Tasha Jenkins is a victim of domestic violence. When the story opens, she has fled her house, with her reluctant son, Ghalen, in tow, to get away from her abusive husband, Kordell. She has a plan, but it is quickly thwarted when her son decides to go back to their home to be with his father. This decision places Tasha on a downward spiral. That spiral snowballs when she meets Madison Gingell, a stranger, who looks perfectly normal, but is far from it. I am going to stop right here, because you need to read this thriller for yourself. The other players involved in this crime fiction are Madison’s husband, Phil, Madison’s “friend”, Summer, and Madison’s drug addict brother. Yes, fans, there is, or I should say, there are crimes committed in this story, starting with Madison at a very young age. No spoilers. Her back story is off-the-chart!

I stepped out of my “romance” box when reading this story, but I must say, it is an intriguing, engrossing, and entertaining story. If you have ever liked stories with a dark twist, or an Hitchcockian twist, this is a story for you. It is also my first time reading a story written by the author LS Stratton. I enjoyed it, and I recommend it for your reading pleasure. Just know, this is not a romantic  story, but it is a well-written dark thriller. You’ve been forewarned!

28th March 2023 |