Review: It's Not For Ever, It's For Now

Young in Love (Book #5)

Elle Writes Books


Cherly McNeil (A)


REVIEW: It is finally time for us to hear from Tristan Young and the “why” behind his actions. Tristan, despite being a man of few words, has a lot to say.  Tristan was raised by his Uncle Stewart and Aunt Victoria and despite being embraced as their own, he has feelings of anger and animosity. He pushes everyone away, including spending years running from the “hero spell” that Demi places him under.

After serving his country, Tristan has a successful P.I. company and a daughter that adores him. He has had a couple of encounters with Sasha Williams and find out that she went to grad school with his sister, Paityn, as well as another family connection. Sasha has had it tough after losing both her mother and grandmother. One of her brothers, Dr. Nero Bond (from “Mr. Down for Whatever”), has the same mom, but luckily for him he is raised by his father's family.

Tristan is drawn to Sasha because he thinks she is bold, feisty and sexy. Sasha is attracted to Tristan and also studies him, the occupational hazard of her time working as a bartender and studying Psychology. She starts out hiring Tristan, but he meets other needs as well! After they connected over ten years ago, when Sasha calls, Tristan answers. They are addicted to each other and become “semi-friends”. There is a part of Tristan that is sweet and tender that Sasha doubts anyone sees. They have a lot in common with troubled pasts, being closed off and they each have a daughter they love dearly. Can they be honest with themselves about their true feelings?

Ms. Wright pulls back the layers to let us get to know Tristan better.  We also learn about Sasha’s background and support system. Her sister-in-law is not to be messed with! There is a pivotal moment where Tristan is finally the big brother that his siblings need (instead of being the “fun-killer”) and follows his own advice in the process. I enjoyed the parallel of his issue with something younger sister Blake is experiencing. As in previous stories, there are touching scenes with Ma and Pop Young. The family interactions has a different tone as relationships are restored.

Ms. Wright also re-introduced a character that fans of her work remember well and I look forward to this character's redemption story.  I wasn’t expecting the element of intrigue and suspense, but thoroughly enjoyed that part of the story line and can’t wait to learn more. The
Young in Love Series gets better with each book, and this is my new favorite! I highly recommend IT’S NOT FOREVER, IT’S FOR NOW.

16th January 2024 |
