Review: A Lustful Crush
A LUSTFUL CRUSH - Angela Seals
Zodiac Love (Book #2)
Independently Published
Brenda Larnell |  Rating: A
REVIEW:  Imagine a group of cousins, named after their zodiac signs, who have supernatural powers living in Louisiana. I tell you fans, Angela Seals has stepped out of the box of “normal” Contemporary Romance into the wide-open spaces of Paranormal Romance, and I love it! Meet Pisces “Pike” Crystal and his soulmate, Reagan. These two have known each other for a long time. Reagan visits her grandmother every summer in Crystal Coast, Louisiana. (Yes, the town is named after the founding Crystal family.

She’s had a crush on Pike since she first set eyes on him. It is not until he rescues her from drowning that Pike sees that Reagan is special. Now, about that rescue…there was nothing about it that is ordinary. As a matter of fact, it was extraordinary. However, after the rescue, they don’t see each other for eleven years. Why? Sorry, you will have to read the story to find out what happened.

Pike’s cousins, Taurus (Tate), Aquarius (Q), Leo, and Capricorn (Capri), the only girl cousin with special powers, who is featured in her own story,
A HOLIDAY CRUSH: Prelude to Zodiac Love, appear in this story. You will be privy to their special powers as each one is introduced to you. It’s the paranormal aspect of this story that works for me.  Ms. Seals does an excellent job of incorporating the unusual gifts of the hero into a very plausible storyline that includes close proximity. Reagan and Pike’s love journey gets sidetracked by his cousin, Leo, who is in need of an intervention, and someone from Pike’s past who makes an appearance.  No spoilers. I’ll allow you to discover what occurred.

A LUSTFUL CRUSH is a novella, so it’s a quick enjoyable read. I finished it in one sitting. The Epilogue houses a very special wedding, and a surprise from our hero and heroine. The Bonus Scene not only lets the reader know which cousin’s story will be next, but it provides a surprising revelation about Reagan. Stay tuned!

This was a good story, and I recommend it for your reading pleasure. For those of you who are a little skeptical about paranormal stories, I recommend this story just for you. Try it. I bet you’ll like it.

26th April 2023 |