Review: A Christmas To Remember

Blessings (Book #11)

Avon Books


Brenda Larnell (A+)


REVIEW: It is so good to be back in Henry Adams, Kansas, again with the eclectic denizens of that impressive little town. Christmas is in the air, and so is change. The eBay town purchaser, Bernadine Brown, is still at the helm and overseeing everything that is Henry Adams, along with her capable staff, assistant Lily Fontaine July, and Mayor Sheila Payne. It is a joy to visit this incredible place through the pen of its esteemed creator, Beverly Jenkins.

When the story opens, the latest addition to the town is preparing to begin a new chapter in his life and become the chief chef of the new restaurant, The Three Spinsters. It’s going to be quite a life-changing move for Thornton Webb as he moves from the cosmopolitan Bay Area of San Francisco to the quaint hamlet of Henry Adams. He is up to the challenge, and looking forward to not only his new position, but also becoming better acquainted with a certain lady of the cloth who resides in the town. If you are familiar with this eleven-book series, then you know exactly who I’m talking about. Rev. Carla is on deck to find her soulmate. Well played, Ms. Bev!

Not only is Henry Adams preparing to celebrate the Christmas holidays, but the townsfolk are also looking forward to the long-awaited wedding on Christmas Day of Bernadine and Mal July, the descendent of “a nineteenth-century gang of train-robbing outlaws”. (That’s a whole other story behind that reference.) The adopted children of the town are now older with their own set of concerns and growing pains. Preston and Leah are having relationship problems, Devon, the James Brown wig wearing performer is being his usual pain-in-the-butt, with Zoey, the musical prodigy, threatening to put him out of his misery. Amari is in a quandary about the college he will attend, and Crystal is considering opening her own art gallery. What a treat it has been to see these once troubled children grow and thrive in the nurturing environment of Henry Adams. That’s just a few of the highlights that you will encounter in this wonderful story. I’ll stop because I want you to enjoy and savor this latest offering as much as I did. Just remember, there’s never a dull moment in Henry Adams.

Familiar secondary characters are present from Tamar July, Riley and his hog buddy, Cletus, to Clay, Bing, and Trent. They all contribute to the development of the storyline. Chapter 15 is epic! What a great HEA for Bernadine and Mal!

The eleven-book
Blessing Series, beginning with BRING ON THE BLESSINGS, and ending with A CHRISTMAS TO REMEMBER, is a compilation of exquisitely written stories that will give you hours of pure reading joy. I strongly suggest that you read them in order to get the full effect! You can thank me later

24th October 2023 |